Walking with the Angels: Guardian 16

This painting was a real struggle as you will see the many faces it took on.  Sometimes it is an inner struggle and sometimes I just keep searching for what the medium can do and say.
The painting started vertical, with several figures emerging.

Flipped it horizontal and a dark singular figure emerges.

Looking back, I like this, but remember at the time I felt I needed to "lighten up."

Changes were because I wanted to add gesture for excitement.

Added some gold leaf in angel and sky.

It got exciting, but looked too much like "Super-man Angel."

Quieted it down, got rid of gesture, still very dark, now I'm in painters hell.

Breaking through.

By this time the textures are thick, color is rich, and I added some metal powders to the paint.  Wanted to go strong female. 
Guardian 16                  Oil, 24 x 36

Walking with the Angels: SCULPTURE, totems

This is the first of a series of TOTEMS I have in mind, honoring those people who have passed away.  The first is of my beloved Mother-in-law who passed away April, 2012.
Portrait of Marge in a water-based clay called FSB, Fullerton Sculpture Body.  This is a very coarse clay.
Then I applied a layer of resin clay, Magic Sculpt, to the front of the head, hollowed out the head and made a core of newspaper, basically removing most of the water-based clay.  The gazebo was constructed of all thread for the posts and a wood round for the floor and roof.  Foam core was the base for the walls.  Resin clay was applied.  The forms of twisted newspaper above the gazebo will be covered with resin and represent clouds.  Check back for updates on this sculpture which will eventually be around 7 feet tall.