Walking with the Angels: Guardian 16

This painting was a real struggle as you will see the many faces it took on.  Sometimes it is an inner struggle and sometimes I just keep searching for what the medium can do and say.
The painting started vertical, with several figures emerging.

Flipped it horizontal and a dark singular figure emerges.

Looking back, I like this, but remember at the time I felt I needed to "lighten up."

Changes were because I wanted to add gesture for excitement.

Added some gold leaf in angel and sky.

It got exciting, but looked too much like "Super-man Angel."

Quieted it down, got rid of gesture, still very dark, now I'm in painters hell.

Breaking through.

By this time the textures are thick, color is rich, and I added some metal powders to the paint.  Wanted to go strong female. 
Guardian 16                  Oil, 24 x 36