La boheme

Today was a day for sculpting.  "La boheme" is a sculpture I started as a demonstration during First Thursday's  Art Walk in Laguna at the Esther Wells Collection.   With a model posing, Howard Marchese painted, Jan Magdaleno sketched and I sculpted. Below is the result of the evening of sculpting and then photos of today,s work.

Next step will to design and sculpt the plinth.

Technique:  This is a very coarse clay called FSB or Fullerton Sculpture Body.  It is a cone 5 clay.

Mike's Ladder changes

I didn't feel that the painting captured the spirit I wanted so I worked on it a little more today.

"Mikes Ladder "(last night)

"Mikes Ladder"  final
Techniques:  Enjoying the "green" methods of oil painting that I have developed, ( I will talk more on it at a later date) I am trying it on a gesso board from Jack Richeson.  The paint drys mat, which is good for photographing, but will definately need to be oiled out and/or varnished for the "oil" look.   The question I have for you is, have you painted with oil on gesso boards and did they dry flat?  Please name the manufacturer of gesso board. 

First Post

Today is the first day of blogging, inspired by my daughter Katy and lots of help from my daughter Regina.  My purpose of this blog to focus on  making art, share ideas and inspiration with others and to get feedback.